Regular price $100.00 Sale

An excellent addition to a USB signal chain, USB•FILTER connects to USB-C ports directly or to USB-A ports using the USB-A Adapters option  Supports USB 3.1 with USB 2.0 backward compatibly. Ideal for use with OPTO•USB, SRC•DX or any USB DAC or component. USB•FILTER provides excellent RF/EMI line noise suppression on +5V/GND power and common/differential mode noise suppression on D+/D- data lines. The USB-A Adapters are an ideal passive design with no RF noisy circuitry for USB speed compensation or switch mode DC/DC conversion for USB-C power delivery.

For best performance, install USB•FILTER with the plug side (male) connected closest to the RF noise signal origination and the receptacle side (female) connected closest to the filtered signal termination (DAC). This orientation allows the TVS diodes to best mitigate ESD and suppress transient voltages. 

Wurth Elektronik brand with an AudioWise 3D printed case (white PLA). USB-A adapters are Adafruit Industries brand.
